How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight
Everyone is on a diet every day. A diet is what you eat , your food choices. If your diet
consists of pancakes, McDonald’s and Dairy Queen then that is your diet.
With junk food being so cheap, it can be hard to eat healthy and not get tempted into eating
unhealthy foods. But if you really want to lose weight than it is important that you start
eating healthy as soon as possible

To eat healthy you need:
* Self Control
* Discipline
* Eating Plan
* Rewards for Eating Right
* Grocery List
It’s really not that hard, lets take a look deeper. Here are five tips to help you start eating
healthy and start losing weight once and for all.
First Tip
You must have self control. It really all comes down to this, having self control. Saying no to
sweets and yest to fruits. Keep your weight loss goal in mind, knowing that by having self
control and picking healthy food over junk food you are one step closer to getting back in
Second Tip
Discipline comes from disciple, and this of course means that you have to have a guide,
something to follow a trainer, a program anything. Don’t go about losing weight on your own,
find a guide that will show you step by step what you have to do to lose weight.
Third Tip
Make a plan. Each week take a couple of minutes and plan out your meals for the entire
week. Remember you should eat 6 small meals throughout the day. Stick to your meal plan.
Fourth Tip
Eating healthy shouldn’t be something you see negatively, that is why it is important to give
yourself a treat now and then when you know that you have been honestly eating healthy
foods. Don’t overdue the rewards though!
Fifth Tip
Buy your groceries with a list in hand. Depending on the meals you have planned for your
week, make a list of the foods you have to buy and buy only what is on the list. Avoid buying
unnecessary foods or sweets.
Think about it, if your body requires 2,000 calories / day to function properly, but you provide
it with only 1,500 calories, what will happen? The body will need to get the remaining 500
calories from another place. And guess what that place is going to be?
Your body fat!
What I’m about to say will most likely spike some controversy, but here it is nonetheless: it
doesn’t really matter that much what you eat if your sole purpose is to lose weight – what
matters is how much you eat.
What I’m basically saying is that it is both possible to lose weight while eating fast foods
exclusively, as well as to gain weight by eating an extremely healthy diet. The quality of the
foods you eat have almost no impact whatsoever on whether you gain or lose fat – the amount
of calories you take in does, however.
Please don’t take this to mean that you should eat fast foods every day. Although it is possible
to lose weight that way with proper planning, it would prove to be quite difficult, as fast foods
are calorie dense, meaning that you would likely not be able to satisfy your hunger through
them if you were to consume the amount of calories required to lose weight. This is purely a
psychological issue, however. I am just trying to make a point here.
Have you noticed that people seem to be losing weight using all kinds of absurd diets? There
are dozens upon dozens of different diets online, possibly even hundreds. And yet, if you read
up on any of them, you are going to find both success and failure stories. This leads people to
get caught up trying to figure out which diet works, but the simple answer is: they all can
work, if you follow the rule I’m talking about!
What most of these diets have in common is that they provide you with a list of certain foods
you can eat. Those are usually foods that have a very high impact on your satiety – they make
you stay full for longer. As a result of this, many people will automatically consume less
calories than what their body burns, which is why they lose weight. It has absolutely nothing
to do with the type of foods that they are eating – just with the amount they are eating! Other
people will be on that same diet, but not lose a single pound – those are the people who,
despite sticking to the meal plan of the diet, consumed more calories than what their body
burns. Confused yet? You shouldn’t be, and believe me this was not my intention at all.
So let’s make it really, really simple.
Use the following formula to calculate your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR):
For men: BMR = [9.99 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] – [4.92 x age (years)] + 5
For Women: BMR = [9.99 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] – [4.92 x age (years)] -161
Once you get your result, multiply it by your so-called activity factor, according to the below:
1.2 = Sedentary (Desk job, and Little Formal Exercise)
1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active (Light daily activity AND light exercise 1-3 days a week)
1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active (Moderately daily Activity & Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week)
1.7-1.8 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise 6-7 days a week)
1.9-2.2 = Extremely Active (Athlete in ENDURANCE training or VERY HARD physical job)
Finally, subtract anywhere between 500 and 700 calories from the final result, and aim to
consume that many calories every single day. I guarantee you will lose pure body fat on a
consistent basis. Let me give a quick example:
You’re a 30 year old female, weighing 60 kilograms and 160 centimeters tall. You use the
formula for females to calculate your Base Metabolic Rate. It would look like this:
[9.99 x 60 (kg)] + [6.25 x 160 (cm)] – [4.92 x 30 (years)] -161
Using a calculator, we determine that this translates to:
599 + 1000 + 147 – 161. The final result is 1907. That’s your Base Metabolic Rate.
Now, if we assume the woman in question has a sedentary life style, we would multiply this
value by the activity factor of 1.2, according to the list above. We get:
1907 x 1.2 = 2288 calories!
That is the number of calories that her body requires on a daily basis in order to function
properly. This means that if she consumed 2288 calories a day (this is a rough estimate btw, it
could be slightly more or less, but not by much), she would neither lose nor gain any fat. Her
weight would stay the same.
Now she can subtract between 500-700 calories from that number. If we subtract 700, we are
left with 1588 calories in total. Now she can consume this number of calories on a daily basis,
and I guarantee her she will see awesome results in the form of pure fat loss, without any ill
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